One of most importan and often difficult work to do is the ECU fixing .
Lot of applications that use MKE5 and MKE7 need a proper installation , because of the ECU have internal IMU , and this is used for BIKE CRASH detection and for more advanced applications for LEAN and PITCH angle estimation .
In any case the ECU is an electronic device , designed for automotive with high mechanical stress , but this don’t means that ECU can soffer when exposed to eccesive vibrations .
To made the installation work easier , We designed a support , with an alluminium plate and silicon case .
Here below You can download the datasheet for ECU support ,
MKE5-7 Support Version 3.2.x - 1 Mb 2590 downloads
Datasheet for MKE5-MKE7 ECU Support , composed by alluminium plate and’s available on Mectronik store .
Here below You can download a full set of documents with both 2D and 3D views with dimensions of the ECU .