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Moto2 Junior GP , 2024

2024-04-17 : New maps V4 and V5 are released , this include support for KALEX short stroke GRIP .

You can find it on WORKSPACE for MECAL , workspace can be downloaded from inside MECAL , please check the specific FAQ ( how to use workspace ) for detailed information about it .

List of approved firmware and maps are listed here on the official RULE TABLE .

Now available document for Wiring Loom KIT , including detailed schematic draw .


Moto2 Wiring Loom Version 1.0 - 1.1 MB 2227 downloads

Moto2 European championship 2023 , Wiring Loom user manual and schematic draw . ...

From 2024 , all wiring loom autosport version , it’s sub harness and all related spare parts , will be not anymore available .

We will continue to supply the standard wiring loom , and other spare parts on our online store

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