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2D Software Licenses overview

Often , customers ask to us how the licenses for 2D Datarecording software work . Here some frequently asked questions … and answers :

Q : Should I pay every Year for the license ?

A : No , paid licenses are perpetual .

Q : Do You have a free of charge license ?

A : YES and NO . YES because with any logger , You will receive 1 license included ( the SMALL version ) . NO because it’s not a freeware or shareware license .

Q : What kind of licences do You have , and what functionality do they have ?

A : 2D have many different linceses , We advise to consider SMALL , KIT MOTO and FULL . Here below a document with detailed functionality .

Q : Where can I download the 2D Software ?

A : You can download the SMALL version from this web site ( a link is here below ) . You can buy the KIT MOTO or FULL version from our online store .


2D Licenses Overview Version 1.0 - 258 kb 192 downloads

Overview for 2D software Licenses Functionality . English Language . ...

2D Analyzer SMALL Version 2019 Small - 241 Mb 661 downloads

2D datarecording Analyzer software , this is the SMALL version , the licenses is...

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