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How to install CANUSB L on Win10

Windows 10 by default have some Microsoft Library disabled , but CANUSB L drivers need it enabled , so often You need to do some additional step in order to use it .


  • CANUSB interface must be inserted always , on USB port , before lunch the MECAL software , it’s valid for both type K and type L
  • We advise to uninstall MECAL ( and MECLAB if You have it too ) software , before procede with steps described below . Then install it later .

You can follow the steps here below :

Enable the .NET Framework 3.5

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel
  2. Select Program and Features
  3. Select Turn Windows features On or Off
  4. Enable the item Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5
  5. Restart Windows

Install the CANUSB L driver :

  1. Now You can download the CANUSB L drivers from our web site ( link here below )
  2. You can install it , running the file You just downloaded
  3. Insert the CANUSB interface on laptop USB port , and wait until windows complete the interface detection
  4. Run MECAL , select menu Edit -> Options
  5. Enable CAN Interface option , presse Refresh
  6. Check on Default Interface list if Your CANUSB is detected


CANUSB Type L Drivers Version 2020 - 663 kb 474 downloads

CANUSB Type L ( entry level version ) drivers for Windows . ...

Below You can take a look to a video that show to You all the processes here described .

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